ndiana Jones and the Great Circle - Indy doing usual stuff
I have just finished the game and before I share a big review, have a look at the gameplay gallery, game looks gorgeous. Pictures are from games localities and every each is very distinct and interesting to play. We again meet Marcus Brody(Denholm Elliot died in 1992) and say last goodbye to recently passed Tony Todd. Very touching.
The Vatican stands as the game’s architectural masterpiece, where ornate interiors house intricate puzzles and the story takes its first major turn as Indy meets his companion Gina.
Gizeh brings ancient Egypt to life with its bustling marketplace and towering pyramids, offering both local flavor and a memorable boss encounter that adds an unexpected twist to the adventure.
The historic temples of Sukhothai in Siam blend jungle exploration with water traversal, creating varied gameplay opportunities as you navigate through its detailed environments.
Shanghai may be a brief stop, but it delivers one of the game’s most intense sequences as you parkour across burning rooftops while dodging Japanese aerial attacks.
The snow-covered Himalayas challenge players with treacherous paths and fierce blizzards, though visibility issues sometimes hinder the grandeur of the mountainous setting.
The Peruvian Jungle opens the game with a nostalgic nod to Raiders of the Lost Ark, complete with familiar faces and classic temple traps.
Marshall College provides a peaceful academic setting for Indiana filled with Easter eggs from the films, serving as a perfect calm before the storm.
The Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq serves as the final backdrop, where Nazi forces and ancient mysteries converge for the game’s climactic conclusion.
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Another uneven fight with Locus the giant
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Another uneven fight with Locus the giant
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Reign of Thutmose the Fourth
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Reign of Thutmose the Fourth
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Dr Jones in the intro scene
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Dr Jones in the intro scene
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – A Harsh Climb Find the Stone
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – A Harsh Climb Find the Stone
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Alfred Molina fro first Indiana Jones film
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Alfred Molina fro first Indiana Jones film
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Another pile of nazis
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Another pile of nazis
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Blind giant speaking Adamic
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Blind giant speaking Adamic
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Bringing back crate of banana to delivery boy
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Bringing back crate of banana to delivery boy
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Brut down in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Brut down in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Clash with Locus the giant in university
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Clash with Locus the giant in university
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Climbing to the Blessed Pearl on the top of pyramids in the jungle
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Climbing to the Blessed Pearl on the top of pyramids in the jungle
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Climbing with the whip
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Climbing with the whip
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Dr. Henry Jones Jr. Professor of Archeology Marshall College Bedford Connecticut 020253
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Dr. Henry Jones Jr. Professor of Archeology Marshall College Bedford Connecticut 020253
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Egyptian Pyramid
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Egyptian Pyramid
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Exploring the Sanctuary of the Guardians in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Exploring the Sanctuary of the Guardians in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Famous bullwhip
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Famous bullwhip
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Fascist Looking for someone to bully
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Fascist Looking for someone to bully
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Fighting nazi in the frost
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Fighting nazi in the frost
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Freezing breath of Indy hiding from nazi
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Freezing breath of Indy hiding from nazi
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Getting down to Shaft with Dina speedy way
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Getting down to Shaft with Dina speedy way
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Gina grap on!
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Gina grap on!
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Gina scared as she can’t swimm
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Gina scared as she can’t swimm
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Gina scrams holding Indy
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Gina scrams holding Indy
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Hammer is very useful on fascists
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Hammer is very useful on fascists
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Annika is nice young lady with blue eyes
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Annika is nice young lady with blue eyes
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Heavy breakfast for some nazis
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Heavy breakfast for some nazis
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Hermann Voss looking right
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Hermann Voss looking right
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indiana and Gina traversing in Himalaya
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indiana and Gina traversing in Himalaya
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indiana and Naval looking at photo of Laura Lombardi Gina in the back
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indiana and Naval looking at photo of Laura Lombardi Gina in the back
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy Adios Satipo Molina dead
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy Adios Satipo Molina dead
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy doing usual stuff
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy doing usual stuff
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy falling looking for help
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy falling looking for help
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy Gina and Locus on the boat captured by nazis
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy Gina and Locus on the boat captured by nazis
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy groans digged in sand in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy groans digged in sand in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy Is everything all right here
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy Is everything all right here
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy saying hello to nazi
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy saying hello to nazi
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy talking to his student Annika from Sweden
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy talking to his student Annika from Sweden
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy talking to operator asking redirection
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Indy talking to operator asking redirection
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Into the fire in Shanghai
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Into the fire in Shanghai
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Job done, hat not lost as usual
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Job done, hat not lost as usual
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Locus Gina Indy and Pailin
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Locus Gina Indy and Pailin
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Locus in Adamic Seventeen stones, seventeen words
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Locus in Adamic Seventeen stones, seventeen words
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Marcus Brody fathering Indiana Jones with love
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Marcus Brody fathering Indiana Jones with love
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Monkey named as pharaoh of Ramessid dynasty
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Monkey named as pharaoh of Ramessid dynasty
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Mussolini Il Duche Poster on the wall of Vatican City
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Mussolini Il Duche Poster on the wall of Vatican City
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Nawal
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Nawal
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Nazi from profile
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – On a way to Sukhotai in Siam
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – On a way to Sukhotai in Siam
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – On the boat with Gina
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – On the boat with Gina
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – One of first fascist down
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – One of first fascist down
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Red are bishops ?
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Red are bishops ?
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sanctuary of the Guardians
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sanctuary of the Guardians
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Scorpions making trouble in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Scorpions making trouble in Gizeh
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Shanghai being bombed
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Shanghai being bombed
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Shooting down enemy airplanes
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Shooting down enemy airplanes
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sometimes Indy has to squeeze through narrow passages
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sometimes Indy has to squeeze through narrow passages
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sometimes nazis can be stored in funny positions
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sometimes nazis can be stored in funny positions
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – This nazi I just had to
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – This nazi I just had to
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Very harsh climb
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Very harsh climb
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Voss saying goodbye to Indy
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Voss saying goodbye to Indy
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Voss talking to Gina about her sister Laura research
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Voss talking to Gina about her sister Laura research
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Zeppelin over St.Peter catedral
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Zeppelin over St.Peter catedral
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sphinx is hiding something
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Sphinx is hiding something
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Nice lighting of underground cave
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Nice lighting of underground cave
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Pailin telling Indy to prove himself
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Pailin telling Indy to prove himself
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Shanghai burned down with plane
ndiana Jones and the Great Circle – Shanghai burned down with plane