Home Gaming News The Witcher 4: First Trailer Revealed The Main Character

The Witcher 4: First Trailer Revealed The Main Character

The Witcher 4 Main Character is Ciri

The Witcher 4 - Ciri Main Character Feature Picture
The Witcher 4 - Ciri Main Character Feature Picture

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The Witcher 4 is finally introduced with an extended trailer. First of all, it reveals that the main character will be Ciri, the former ward of the current protagonist Geralt, whom we already played in The Wild Hunt. The Polish CD Projekt Red developers are not revealing much about the game. As expected, we can look forward to a single-player open world title created in Unreal Engine 5.

The Witcher 4 Trailer - Scapegoat girl taking bath before sacrifiction
The Witcher 4 Trailer – Scapegoat girl taking bath before sacrifiction

Despite the number 4 in the title, they describe the upcoming sequel as the beginning of a new saga. We don’t know the platforms or the time window in which the game will arrive. The game has recently entered full production.

The Witcher 4 Trailer - Ciri drank elixir befor fighting monster
The Witcher 4 Trailer – Ciri drank elixir befor fighting monster


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