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PlayStation 5 Pro Was Officially Revealed on PS 5 Technical Presentation by Mark Cerny

New PlayStation 5 Pro is Coming

PS PRO 45 Percent GPU Performance Increase
PS PRO 45 Percent GPU Performance Increase

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In a surprise livestream 10 minutes short event, Sony’s lead system architect, Mark Cerny pulled back the curtain on the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 Pro, revealing a powerhouse console that aims to bridge the gap between visual fidelity and performance in modern gaming.

PlayStation Youtube Channel : PS 5 Technical Presentation hosted by Mark Cerny

The “Big Three” Upgrades

Cerny outlined three critical areas of improvement for the PS5 Pro, which he dubbed “the big three”:

  1. Enhanced GPU and Memory: The PS5 Pro boasts a significantly larger GPU paired with faster memory, rendering up to 45% faster than the base PS5.
  2. Ray Tracing Revolution: Major upgrades to ray tracing capabilities allow for calculations at double or even triple the speeds of the original PS5, promising more realistic lighting, reflections, and shadows.
  3. AI-Powered Upscaling: Introducing custom machine learning hardware and a proprietary AI library called PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) enables pixel-by-pixel image analysis to dramatically boost effective resolution.

The End of the Graphics Mode Dilemma?

A central theme of Cerny’s presentation was addressing the increasingly common “graphics mode” choice in modern games. Players often face a tough decision between 30 fps “Fidelity” modes that prioritize visual quality and 60 fps “Performance” modes that sacrifice some graphical elements for smoother gameplay.

Cerny revealed that when given the choice, about 75% of players opt for Performance mode, highlighting a clear preference for higher frame rates. The PS5 Pro aims to deliver the best of both worlds, targeting what Cerny described as “almost Fidelity-like graphics at performance frame rates.”

Games Showcased

Several titles were used to demonstrate the PS5 Pro’s capabilities:

  • The Last of Us Part II: Shown running at 60 fps with significantly more detail compared to the base PS5’s 30 fps Fidelity mode.
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Demonstrated sharper visuals and higher resolution, particularly noticeable in distant objects and procedurally generated elements like traffic.
  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart: A parade scene highlighted the PS5 Pro’s ability to render distant details with much greater clarity.
  • Horizon Forbidden West: Improvements extend beyond resolution, with enhanced lighting, visual effects, and more detailed character models in cinematics.
  • Gran Turismo 7: Now features ray-traced reflections between cars during gameplay while maintaining 60 fps.
  • Hogwarts Legacy: Showcased improved reflections, a greater variety of reflective surfaces, and more realistic shadow casting.

Technical Deep Dive

Cerny provided insights into how developers are leveraging the PS5 Pro’s new capabilities:

  • PSSR AI Upscaling: This machine learning technology is widely adopted to add pixel detail and boost frame rates across various game engines.
  • Raw GPU Power: The increased graphics processing capability enables games like Horizon Forbidden West to improve lighting, visual effects, and character detail in gameplay and cutscenes.
  • Enhanced Ray Tracing: The faster ray tracing hardware allows developers to implement more advanced lighting techniques while maintaining higher frame rates.

“The Most Powerful Console We’ve Ever Built”

Cerny called the PS5 Pro “the most powerful console we’ve ever built,” positioning it as a significant leap forward in the PlayStation ecosystem. The presentation emphasized that the PS5 Pro is designed to give developers the tools to realize their most ambitious visions while delivering the high frame rates that players prefer.

What We Still Don’t Know

Despite the wealth of technical information provided, several key details about the PS5 Pro remain unclear:

  • Release Date: No specific launch window was announced.
  • Pricing: The cost of the new console should have been discussed.
  • Backward Compatibility: While implied, there was no explicit confirmation of full compatibility with the existing PS5 library.
  • Storage Capacity: Details on the internal SSD were not provided.
  • Physical Design: The appearance of the PS5 Pro was not revealed.

Industry Implications

The unveiling of the PS5 Pro raises questions about the future of console generations. With mid-cycle upgrades becoming more common, the line between console generations blurs. This move by Sony could pressure competitors to respond, potentially accelerating the arms race in console hardware.

For developers, the PS5 Pro presents both opportunities and challenges. While the additional power allows for more ambitious projects, it also introduces another hardware target to optimize for in the PlayStation ecosystem.

Looking Ahead

As the gaming industry digests the details of the PS5 Pro, all eyes will be on Sony for more information about the console’s release plans and pricing strategy. Additionally, gamers and analysts alike will be keen to see how developers leverage these new capabilities in upcoming titles and updates to existing games.

The PS5 Pro represents Sony’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of console gaming. By aiming to deliver high-fidelity visuals at the frame rates players demand, Sony is betting that this mid-generation upgrade will keep the PlayStation platform at the forefront of the gaming industry for years.


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