Home Game Reviews Bananas and Bullets: The Wild Ride of My Friend Pedro

Bananas and Bullets: The Wild Ride of My Friend Pedro

My Friend Pedro Review

My Friend Pedro
My Friend Pedro

Title: My Friend Pedro
Type of Game: 2D Action-Shooter Platformer
Developer: DeadToast Entertainment
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Released: June 20, 2019
Platforms Available: iOS, Android
Platform Reviewed: Android
Level of Maturity: Teen (Violence, Blood, Crude Humor)
Reading Time: 8 minutes

“My Friend Pedro” is a game that came out in June 2019. It’s a 2D Action-Shooter Platformer. As you already know, I love platformers. On top of that, it is an offline, no-WiFi game, and I needed something to play on my way to work. In the game, I was guided by a talking banana, Pedro, who led me on a mission to shoot through waves of enemies and jump over all sorts of obstacles. It sounds weird, and it is, but in a good way.

My Friend Pedro: Shooting Puzzles
My Friend Pedro: Shooting Through Puzzles

Quirky Storytelling and Bananas

The story is simple: I was saving Pedro’s family from crates of fruits. The funniest bit for me was when I saved an apple rather than a banana, and Pedro informed me that it was an adopted child. In the second instance, he sends his banana son to get him a pack of cigarettes. I loved these funny bits in the story.

Mastering the Art of Slow-Motion Combat

I noticed immediately that the game is very smooth (after you get used to the slider commands if you never played this type of game before). The controls are simple enough, but there’s a learning curve until you get used to it. Two joystick pads are on both sides, but you can also use only one. I used only the right one because my left hand was unfriendly with the slide-down command. I managed to get three stars on most levels, so I am guessing it is designed so you can play with it without the second pad. You can slow down time while in mid-air, which significantly helps.

Even with no obstacle, you can jump up and aim/plan your next move in slow motion. On top of it, I was able to easily overcome the faster-paced missions, where you are on a skateboard, using this feature. I spun through the air, dodging bullets while returning fire in slow motion. It feels like a mix between a John Wick movie and a skateboard trick video. The genre has nothing new, but it is very well executed if you ask me!
I was pleased to see motorcycle action after each chapter. I got to drive a bike from one chapter to another, dodging crates and shooting other bikers or a truck running away with crates, which was one of Pedro’s children. This detail is somewhat polished, but I still loved it.

Visuals and Sound: The Pulse of Pedro

The visuals are stylish but not overly detailed, which works for this game. Everything is smooth and fast, with a lot of emphasis on how your character moves. It’s not the game that’s trying to wow you with graphics. It’s more about the action and keeping everything running smoothly. There’s a good use of color wildly when contrasting the backgrounds and the enemies, so you always know where to focus. The music is another strong point. It’s an upbeat, electronic soundtrack that perfectly fits the game’s pace. The sound effects are also on end, with satisfying gunfire and explosions.

Replayability and Performance

My Friend Pedro is a single-player-only game, and you can play without WIFI, which also works for ad avoidance. You must watch an ad every time you die unless your wifi is turned off. The game focuses on creating a specific experience where you constantly try to outdo yourself with better combos and wilder moves, which will reward you with three stars if you execute it flawlessly. I found some missions pretty hard, but with some trial and error, I got three stars on almost all of them. This added to the replay value, too, not only for the stars but sometimes just for fun. I replayed certain sections to see if I could pull off something more extraordinary or efficient, even when I had the three stars already.

A Smooth Ride with Minor Glitches

Another thing I appreciated was the simple interface. There’s not a lot of clutter on the screen, so that you can focus on the action. The accessibility options are essential, but I found no barriers to playing the game. Performance-wise, it runs smoothly, which is crucial given how fast-paced it is. I did encounter minor bugs or, better said, glitches, where I would fly through the edge of the platform when I was not supposed to or miss a landing where it was supposed to be possible to land, but it is infrequent, and nothing that will ruin your gameplay.


My Friend Pedro is a game that knows its strengths and plays to them perfectly. It delivers an exhilarating, stylish platforming shooter experience without getting bogged down in unnecessary complexities. The smooth, acrobatic gameplay, intuitive controls, and slow-motion mechanics allow creative and satisfying combat scenarios.
While the story is simple, its quirky humor adds personality to the intense action. The game’s artistic direction and energetic soundtrack create an immersive experience that complements the fast-paced gameplay. The three-star rating system and inherent joy of perfecting runs provide excellent replay value. Despite minor glitches and some less polished elements, My Friend Pedro stands out as a focused, well-executed game. For fans of the genre or anyone seeking a unique, action-packed experience, it’s an easy recommendation that delivers hours of bullet-dodging, banana-guided fun.

Where to Buy My Friend Pedro?

  • App Store (iOS): Available for Free! Download it from the App Store.
  • Google Play (Android): Available for Free! Purchase it from Google Play.

Official Page: Visit the official My Friend Pedro page for more information here.
Subreddit: Join the discussion on the My Friend Pedro Subreddit.


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