Home Gaming News War Thunder: Oncoming Storm Brings Eurofighter Typhoon

War Thunder: Oncoming Storm Brings Eurofighter Typhoon

War Thunder: Eurofighter Typhoon Air Addition

War Thunder Eurofighter Typhoon Oncoming Storm 3
War Thunder Eurofighter Typhoon Oncoming Storm 3

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

It’s time to finally welcome the Eurofighter family and join War Thunder as the new top-of-the-line fighter aircraft for Germany, the UK and Italy. Today we show you the most advanced jet fighter (so far!) to come into play!

Gaijin Brings us the Typhoon

The Eurofighter Typhoon is one of the most advanced 4th (or 4.5 depending on your classification) generation aircraft in the world today. It’s fair to say that few aircraft have been as anticipated as this one. Germany, the UK, and Italy will receive a comparable version of this top-of-the-line jet fighter in the major Oncoming Storm upgrade, giving each of these nations a highly capable and agile fighter that also has considerable potential for ground attack.

In air-to-air terms, the Eurofighter will be capable of carrying an impressive combined payload of up to ten missiles.
There are four AIM-9 Sidewinder variants that can be used (AIM-9L and AIM-9M for Italy and Britain, AIM-9L and AIM-9L/I for Germany) for close-in combat and six AIM-120 AMRAAMs for longer-range combat. However, you can also take up to six IR missiles and four BVRs as an alternative combination if you wish. Combined with the helmet-mounted display and the impressive CAPTOR radar suite, this aircraft will be one of the most dangerous in both long and short range combat. If you find yourself on the wrong end of a missile, the Eurofighter will help keep you in the fight with its Defensive Assistance Subsystem (DASS for short). This includes MAWS with integrated countermeasures on board, including a generous supply of chaff and flares to counter any type of threat that comes your way. The British and Italian versions will also include PIRATE IRST, which provides an additional means of locking on and tracking targets without firing their RWR.

War Thunder Eurofighter Typhoon Oncoming Storm 1
War Thunder Eurofighter Typhoon Oncoming Storm 1

Not forgetting the air-to-ground aspect of the armament. Each Typhoon variant will vary slightly in its arsenal, but you can expect to see the standard types of familiar bombs. Conventional 1000 and 2000 lb variants and the Paveway guided series (Mk.18 for the British version, GBU-48 for Germany and Italy), along with the LITENING III targeting chassis and GPS guided GBU-54s. All three Typhoon variants can fire the excellent Brimstone missile and also include a single 27mm gun mounted in the wing root, which is useful for lighter ground targets or for when you get guns on air targets. The British variant of the FGR.4 also comes with a laser warning receiver, so if someone locks you in with laser homing, that won’t go unnoticed either.

In addition to its equipment, the Eurofighter is also an impressive platform in the flight performance department. The EuroJet EJ200’s twin engines provide an exceptional amount of thrust of up to 18,000 kgf, meaning the aircraft can quickly recover lost energy and achieve excellent climb rates. Its nose canards (small ailerons) provide great turning agility, so if things get close and personal, the Typhoon will be able to keep up with the best of the competition.


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