Home Gaming News War Thunder: New Anti-cheat BattleEye To Be Introduced

War Thunder: New Anti-cheat BattleEye To Be Introduced

New Anti-Cheat BattleEye In War Thunder

War Thunder Anti-cheat BattleEye Logo
War Thunder Anti-cheat BattleEye Logo

In the coming weeks, War Thunder will be fully protected by a new anti-cheat system BattlEye! With its help, we will be able to fight banned game modifications even more effectively!
For players who don’t cheat, nothing will change except the window when the game starts, as it will have the BattleEye logo instead.

Benefits of Anti-cheat BattleEye

Many online games already use BattleEye, including one of Gaijin’s games called Enlisted. This anti-cheat will also come in handy in War Thunder! It effectively combats unfair gameplay, working on both the server and client side, and constantly monitors for game interference. This means that the most forbidden modifications are completely blocked when the game starts.

The Replacement Process

In the future, when you start the game you will be greeted by a window with the new anti-cheat system. Globally, the transition will happen in waves, meaning both anti-cheats will be supported for some time. Within a few weeks, we’ll be switching over completely to BattleEye.If you run into any issues when launching the game or with the software’s compatibility with the BattleEye anti-cheat system, please let Gaijin know on their bug report page by creating a bug report with the category “Anti-Cheat”.

For more information about BattleEye and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the official BattleEye website.


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