If I wasn’t a lazy thieving bastard and this wasn’t a shameless repost, the title would probably read: ‘Starcraft 2 Update Adds Progress Bars – T(w)oo!’. The difference? Blizzard’s trying to make your play richer, more tactical, and more rewarding. Frontier just want to give you a second job.
Ever since we first laid our hands on Legacy of the Void‘s outrageously fun co-op, we’ve been screaming for new maps. But Blizzard think quality before quantity and that’s awesome. Still, how about some Death Fleet now, hm, hm?
Some more interesting changes coming to StarCraft 2 with the latest patch than the usual balance changes and fixes. StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void patch 3.3 adds mutators and mastery levels StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void gets a shakeup with the latest title update. Two new features will be added to co-op missions: mutators and mastery levels.
Source: StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void patch 3.3 adds mutators and mastery levels