Home Game Reviews Games To Come Back To: Deep Rock Galactic

Games To Come Back To: Deep Rock Galactic


Deep Rock Galactic may have been bringing danger, darkness, and dwarves to PC and consoles since 2020 – and two years prior in Steam’s Early Access – but the heart-warmingly unpretentious co-op shooter isn’t running out of energy. Its awesomeness in fluid gunplay, balanced difficulty, dwarves-and-beer jokes, and more than few digs (ha-ha) at corporate culture only grows into pure genius in its class system demanding actual co-operation.

Recently launched fourth season dubbed Critical Corruption provides new toys to help fight off the ever-growing rockpox contagion, and, as has become tradition, a whole range of unlockable cosmetics to fancy up your pickaxe-wielding alcoholics. There is no pay-to-play, no pay-to-win, no subscription, no online casino, hell, there isn’t even any ‘meta’ to speak of. There are cosmetic DLC packs that you can, and, trust me on this, happily will purchase. Deep Rock Galactic is just honest-to-heart video game fun and that’s why I won’t ever hesitate at any opportunity to dive back into the caves of Hoxxes.

What’s your feel-good, never-hesitate-to-jump-back-in video game? Hit that comments section as hard as you wish, be it for Carl or not. Rock and stone, brothers!



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