Home Game Reviews Ubisoft And Google Team Up For More Dollars

Ubisoft And Google Team Up For More Dollars


So this just in: Ubisoft (a famed DRM innovator) and Google (a famed advertising agency) are teaming up for the eternal good of all gamerkind!

In undying effort of both Google (a famed spyware vendor) and Ubisoft (a famed sandpaper dildo manufacturer), online multiplayer game services are about to get much, much, better… monetised. And data-mined. And monetised. And DRM’d. And of course, monetised.

Our goal is to continually find new ways to provide the highest-quality, most seamless services to our players so that they can focus on their games…

I don’t care for either side’s wannabe-tech corporate bullshit, because what they’re presenting here axiomatically doesn’t matter. Ubisoft has time and time again proven themselves to be pathological liars, and Google is a manipulative two-faced data-thieving Internet near-monopoly – they’ll say whatever the fuck they want and get away with it. What these wankers are only ever after is your money, want to give nothing back, and nothing is what they’ll stop at.

Put therefore smiles on your sorry faces as these Good Shepherds(TM) line up their hoses to leech on your craving for a round of frag action. And not only you’ll never utter a question, you’ll pay them. Whenever they want, how ever much they ask.

Via: Slashdot


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