Alarak and Artanis drooling over the Death Fleet. Can't say I blame them.
We’ve only got ourselves to blame to have not picked up Starcraft 2‘s Legacy of the Void expandalone a lot earlier. It is without a shadow of doubt game of the year material.
Whether it is the screaming fun of its epic co-op or getting slaughtered in spectacular fashion in the legendary, highly competitive PvP, something will definitely give and we’ll have a closer look at it.
For now, though, it’s pretty imagery over cocksure verbal dysentery. All shots are cropped from native 4K and post-processed to lesser or greater extent. Mind you, we don’t guarantee having a thing or two to say here either.
Void Rays. I honestly believe that even problems like global warming or financial crises can be solved with Void Rays.
That's Hierarch Artanis and, ahem, Sarah Kerrigan. Yep. You get to play them, too.
Spear of Adun's bridge. Wonder what would it take to fly this thing solo.
We return to Aiur. End has begun.
The Protoss fleet. Yep, there be Void Rays too.
Spear of Adun. She's awesome. Shut up.
Void Rays have no use for backup and don't look at explosions. At the same time.
Vorazun. She has Void Rays you know.
Rak'shir. Each of the champions is supported by an army and advances with the tide of battle. The one going over the ledge is the loser. Pretty cool idea.
Vorazun's black holes. They work.
They bring gifts. Then raise hell.
Terran Siege Tanks. A tad of an overkill as insecticide.
Artanis is too much of an Optimus Prime to my taste. One of the few shots where he isn't.
Rohana. She's not happy.
Can't say I much cared what those two have been on about. It was a joy to watch though.
Alarak and Artanis drooling over the Death Fleet. Can't say I blame them.
Tal'darim Death Fleet's Destroyers. Yeah, OK. They're Void Rays. With a dash of evil. Can I buy this game twice?